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리눅스 tail 명령어 사용법 (실시간 로그 보기)

by 5566 2023. 10. 13.

1. Introduction to tail command

The tail command is a useful tool in Linux systems that allows users to view the contents of a file from the end, rather than from the beginning. It is particularly handy when working with large log files or continuously updating files.

Unlike the head command, which displays the first few lines of a file, tail focuses on the last few lines. This makes it ideal for monitoring real-time events or tracking updates in log files. In addition, tail provides options for various customizations, making it a versatile tool for viewing files.

The tail command is typically used in the command-line interface or terminal of a Linux system. It is a straightforward and efficient way to access the end of a file without loading the entire file into memory.

In the following sections, we will explore the basic usage of the tail command, how to display the last lines of a file, and how to continuously monitor logs in real-time.

2. Basic usage of tail command

The basic usage of the tail command involves specifying the file you want to view and the number of lines you want to display. Here is the general syntax:

tail [options] [file]

By default, tail will display the last 10 lines of a file. For example, to view the last 10 lines of a file named "example.txt," you can simply use the following command:

tail example.txt

If you want to view a different number of lines, you can use the -n option followed by the desired number. For instance, to view the last 5 lines of "example.txt," you would use:

tail -n 5 example.txt

In addition to specifying the number of lines, you can also use the -f option to follow a file in real-time. This is particularly useful for monitoring log files that are constantly being updated. The command will continue running and display new lines appended to the file as they occur. To use this option, you would use:

tail -f example.txt

This will continuously display the last 10 lines of "example.txt" and update the output whenever new lines are added.

The basic usage of the tail command provides a quick and convenient way to view the end of a file without loading the entire file into memory. By utilizing different options, you can customize the number of lines displayed or continuously monitor real-time updates.

3. Displaying the last lines of a file

The tail command is widely used to display the last lines of a file in Linux systems. By default, tail displays the last 10 lines of a file, but you can customize this number according to your needs. Here are a few examples of how to display the last lines of a file using the tail command:

Displaying the last 10 lines of a file

To display the last 10 lines of a file, you can simply use the tail command followed by the file name. For example, to view the last 10 lines of a file called "example.txt," you would run the following command:

tail example.txt

The output will show the last 10 lines of the file, with the most recent lines appearing at the bottom.

Displaying a specific number of lines

If you want to view a different number of lines, you can use the -n option followed by the desired number. For instance, to display the last 5 lines of "example.txt," you would run:

tail -n 5 example.txt

This command will display the last 5 lines of the file instead of the default 10.

Displaying a continuously updating file

The tail command is also useful for monitoring log files or other files that are continuously being updated. By using the -f option with the tail command, you can follow and display the last lines of a file as new lines are appended to it. For example, to continuously monitor and display the last 10 lines of a file named "example.txt," you would use the following command:

tail -f example.txt

The command will stay running and update the output whenever new lines are added to the file. This is particularly handy for real-time monitoring of log files or tracking ongoing events. You can stop the continuous display by pressing Ctrl+C.

By using different options and parameters, tail allows you to easily view the last lines of a file, whether you need to display a specific number of lines or continuously monitor updates.

4. Continuously monitoring logs in real-time

Monitoring logs in real-time is a common use case, especially for system administrators or developers who need to keep track of events and errors as they occur. The tail command in Linux provides a simple way to continuously monitor log files and display updates in real-time. Follow the steps below to monitor logs in real-time using the tail command:

Step 1: Open the Terminal

First, open the Terminal on your Linux system. You can usually find it in the Applications or System Tools menu, or by using the keyboard shortcut (e.g., Ctrl+Alt+T).

Step 2: Navigate to the log file location (if necessary)

If the log file you want to monitor is located in a specific directory, navigate to that directory in the Terminal using the cd command. For example, if the log file is in the /var/log directory, run the following command:

cd /var/log

Step 3: Use the tail command to monitor logs

Now that you are in the directory containing the log file, use the tail command with the -f (follow) option followed by the name of the log file to continuously monitor it. For example, to monitor a log file called "syslog," run the following command:

tail -f syslog

The tail -f command will display the last few lines of the log file and continuously update the display as new lines are added.

Step 4: Interpret the log output

As the log file is continuously monitored, new lines will be displayed in the Terminal window. Each log entry will typically include a timestamp, the name of the process or application generating the log, and the log message itself. By observing these log entries in real-time, you can keep track of events, errors, or any other relevant information.

Step 5: Stop monitoring

To stop monitoring the log file and exit the tail command, press Ctrl+C in the Terminal window. This will terminate the tail -f command and return you to the command prompt.

Using the tail -f command is a powerful way to monitor log files in real-time and stay updated on important events or errors. This can be especially useful when troubleshooting issues or analyzing system performance.

5. Advanced options and customization of tail command

The tail command in Linux offers various advanced options and customization features, allowing you to tailor its behavior to meet your specific needs. Here are some of the commonly used options and customizations for the tail command:

Specifying a different number of lines

By default, tail displays the last 10 lines of a file. However, you can specify a different number of lines using the -n option followed by the desired number. For example, to display the last 5 lines of a file named "example.txt," you would use the following command:

tail -n 5 example.txt

This command will output the last 5 lines of the file instead of the default 10.

Displaying additional context

If you need more context around the displayed lines, you can use the -C or --context option followed by the number of lines of context you want to include. For example, to display the last 10 lines with an additional 3 lines of context before and after each displayed line, you would run the following command:

tail -C 3 example.txt

This command will display a total of 17 lines: 3 lines before each displayed line, the displayed line itself, and 3 lines after it.

Outputting lines starting from a certain point

If you want to display lines starting from a specific point in the file, you can use the + symbol followed by the line number. For example, to display lines starting from line 20 of a file named "example.txt," you would use the following command:

tail +20 example.txt

This command will output all lines starting from line 20 to the end of the file.

Using wildcards to monitor multiple files

The tail command also allows you to use wildcards to monitor multiple files at once. For example, to monitor all log files in the /var/log directory, you can use the following command:

tail -f /var/log/*.log

This command will continuously monitor all log files in the directory and display updates in real-time.

Customizing the output format

You can customize the output format of tail using the -q or --quiet option. This option suppresses headers and separators, making the output more concise. For example, to display only the last line of a file without any additional information, use the following command:

tail -q -n 1 example.txt

This command will output only the last line of the file.

The tail command offers several advanced options and customization features, allowing you to adjust its behavior according to your requirements. By utilizing these options, you can efficiently analyze log files, track events, and monitor data in real-time.
